Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Does electronegative atoms cause shielding or deshielding of the atoms near it? (Deshielding, because shielding is caused by electrons. - GS). If there is deshielding then it is upfield and there is less of a chemical shift and if there’s shielding it’s more downfield and has more of a chemical shift correct? Am I backwards on this or do I have it correct? Thanks. (It is backwards, because shielding requires more field to overcome the shielding, so it is upfield. - GS).

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

If something is a triplet there are two coupling partners correct? (Yes, but the partners must be equivalent. - GS).

Friday, February 3, 2017

How do you assign octane ratings? (It is the percentage of isooctane in its mixture with n-heptane that has same resistance to detonation as the tested fuel. - GS).  

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

In class you said that eclipsed doesn’t always have higher energy and gave one example on when that wasn’t true. When there are hydroxide ions and hydrogen ions next to each other is when it isn’t true? (No. Those ions do not have valency to be attached to the carbon backbone, but other ions will work. - GS).